What is a Community Health Center?

A community health center (UCHC) is a nonprofit organization that provides primary medical, dental, chiropractic, and mental health care to residents in the area. It also receives federal grant funding and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. This article explains what an UCHC is and why you should consider using one in your community. To learn more, read on! And don’t forget to check the website for the latest news!

UCHC is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting organization. Achieving accreditation indicates a commitment to high-quality patient care and safety. Accredited organizations adhere to stringent standards and meet specific criteria to maintain their accreditation. They are also held accountable for patient outcomes and safety.

A healthcare organization can obtain Joint Commission … Read more

Athletes’ Daily Nutritional Requirements

Athletes have special daily nutritional needs, but these can be complicated. Here are some of the basics you should know. Fats are important for everyone, but especially active muscles need fats to provide long-lasting energy. But not all fats are the same. Choose unsaturated fat, which is found in nuts and most vegetable oils. Saturated fat is found in fatty meat and dairy products like cheese and whole milk. Saturated fat slows digestion, which makes it best to avoid eating fatty foods at least a few hours before exercising.


Athletes’ carbohydrate needs depend on several factors. Their body mass, sex, total energy expenditure, and environment all determine their carbohydrate needs. If carbohydrates are the primary source of energy during intense exercise, they should consume eight to twelve grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight per day. However, this number may change. Some athletes require lower carbohydrate intakes during … Read more

Good Health Habits for Students at Reed- Johnson College

Students can develop healthy habits to enhance their overall performance in school and on the job. They should start the day with a good breakfast, eating a balanced plate with all the necessary nutrients, and not snacking before class. They should also try to get plenty of physical activity daily, as this helps improve their concentration and memory. In addition, regular exercise has numerous benefits, including a positive outlook and improved school performance. Read on to learn more about some good health habits for students.

Fitness courses

In addition to teaching students about how to be physically active, Fitness courses at Reed- Johnson College also encourage students to use campus resources to improve their health. Students can take advantage of Counseling Services, Yoga in the Museum, and Student Health Services to develop good habits that they can continue after graduation. Students who practice good health habits while at Reed-Johnson are … Read more

Funny Health Tips – Three Ways to Make Yourself Laugh!

Laughter can do wonders for your body and mind. Laughter strengthens your immune system, improves your mental state, and builds aerobic endurance. In addition to helping you get in shape, laughter also enhances your mood and reduces stress. It’s no wonder then, that you should find some funny health tips to follow. Here are a few:

Laughter improves physical and emotional health

Laughter reduces stress hormone levels, boosts the immune system and increases infection- fighting antibodies. It also triggers the release of endorphins, which reduce pain perception and decrease inflammation. Studies have also shown that laughing increases blood flow and improves brain function. Laughter improves memory and helps us to focus. It also boosts blood flow and promotes positive thoughts. So, laughing is not only good for your health, it is also good for our overall wellbeing.

There are different types of laughter, and not all of them signify joy. … Read more

The Importance of Healthy Food For Kids

Almost all fruit and vegetables are great for adding nutrients to your child’s diet. When buying fruit and vegetables, focus on those without added sugars. Fruit juices and canned versions often contain added sugar. Always read nutrition labels when you go grocery shopping.

Vegetables are harder to get your child to eat, and many canned and frozen varieties have high sodium levels. Try to choose different colors of vegetables to represent different nutrients.

Avoiding trans and saturated fats

Aim to limit your child’s total intake of fats and oils. This includes mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces, and homemade low-fat products. Choose products that are low in sodium, such as nonhydrogenated peanut butter. When choosing breads, pastas, and other grains, choose whole grains, as they tend to have less sodium. Also, limit your child’s intake of high-fat dairy products, which may include nitrates.

Plant oils are another source of fat in a … Read more