Foods to Eat to Lose Weight in Stomach

There are several kinds of food you can eat for losing belly fat. In this article, I’ll list some of them: Bananas, Eggs, Banana Nut Butter, Oatmeal, Barley, and Peas. Eat them as much as possible – but watch your portions! If you eat too much, you’ll end up storing belly fat. Aim to consume fewer servings of these foods each day, as much as possible.


Oatmeal is one of the best foods to lose belly fat because it is high in fiber and does not spike your blood sugar, unlike processed and baked goods. It also helps you feel full longer and is an excellent source of fiber. You can enjoy oatmeal while on a different diet plan. Be careful to limit the toppings because they will add more calories and ruin your weight loss efforts.


Research has shown that barley reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, … Read more